Trump’s “leadership” style is often compared to that of a corporate CEO, but in reality, it’s more like that of a mob boss godfather. In Bill Barr, Godfather “Don” Trump — see what I did there? — has a loyal…
In yesterday’s article where I detailed how the Fellowship of the Pharisees are 100 percent responsible for the Supreme Court’s pro-LGBT/anti-religious liberty ruling, I made a brief mention about how the “most conservative Supreme Court of all time” had also…
Yesterday, what some have called “the most conservative Supreme Court of all time” used a little judicial “abracadabra” to pull a non-existent inalienable right to transgenderism out of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act hat. Additional decisions released yesterday…
While doing some research yesterday for an article I’m working on, I discovered that “Jenna Ellis” was trending on Twitter. Ellis, the Senior Legal Advisor to the Trump campaign and an attorney to Trump himself, had just made an appearance…
The Republican Party finds itself in an awkward position ahead of its August convention as a result of Trump’s “all about me” decision to move the location of his nominating speech after his dispute with North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper…
Last week, President Trump declared himself “your president of law and order.” In the June 1 speech in the Rose Garden, the president sought to draw a distinction between himself and the rioters around the country, but, after three years…
Before the protesting and rioting occurring across the nation in response to the senseless and tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer ruled the daily headlines, coronavirus hysteria was the dominating story grabbing everyone’s…