The passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will reshape the political landscape heading into November, but it will also expose the frauds within the GOP — as if they needed any help in that department. One of the…
Welcome to Conservative Comedy Friday – 2020 Campaign Season Edition. We begin with a true story… A high school teacher of Advanced Placement (AP) Government was holding a discussion with students about the qualifications necessary to be president of the…
If you’ve ever wondered how a Hitleresque dictator treats illegal immigrants, Trump and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) we have given us the answer to that question over the past four years. Last year, Trump abused his executive power when…
Are plans for a new digital ID card another way of using coronavirus hysteria to build a New World Order? From the very beginning of coronavirus hysteria, I’ve been warning about how the so-called pandemic was being used by tyrants…
In today’s America, God has been relegated to a secondary (or lower) role. Mother Earth is one of the many deities worshiped by Nancy Pelosi, Democrats, and Republicans to explain global warming and fill the vacuum left by rejecting God.…
When it comes to killing liberty and advancing tyranny, coronavirus hysteria has taken up where 9/11 left off. Nineteen years ago today, an Islamic terrorist group attacked liberty in America when they hijacked four commercial airliners and crashed two of…
In a clearly obvious and desperate attempt to bribe “conservatives” to vote for him in November, Donald Trump released a list of 20 new Supreme Court nominees he says he will consider in the event of a vacancy between now…