Trump supporters need to take note; even though Al Gore’s “inconvenient truth” about global warming is a lie, it has been and soon will be again embraced as truth by the man they claim will fix the ills caused by the far left.
Among the many lies spewed by Gore is a Dec. 14, 2009 speech given at the Copenhagen Climate Conference where he shared a 2007 research study reported by the BBC that predicted a 75% chance that the Arctic could be “completely ice-free” during the summer months “within the next five to seven years.” Unfortunately for the High Priest of the Church of Global Warming however, ice cover has increased 26% since 2012, the year that the alleged doomsday was supposed to occur (via
This year's minimum Arctic sea ice extent was 26% larger than 2012. @BBCNews said the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013.
— Tony Heller (@TonyClimate) December 26, 2024
What does the global warming lie have to do with Trump and his supporters? Read on…
Last month, I wrote about how COVID lockdowns were being used as a model for implementing “climate lockdowns” to reduce carbon emissions using “climate emergency” declaration:
At the height of the covid lockdowns and mandates a massive portion of the global economy was shut down, leading to supply chain instability, huge job losses and a stagflationary crisis. However, climate change propagandists argued that the event was actually a positive for the planet when it was revealed that emissions fell by 5.4%. They asserted that the covid lockdowns were a practice run for what they called “climate lockdowns” – Presenting a plan for scheduled disruptions to global economic activity as a means to slow the effects of climate change.
In April 2020, I documented how Donald Trump and the Republican Party had joined Democrats to advance AOC’s Green New Deal using lessons learned from COVID mandates and lockdowns to address the future “climate crisis” after Trump’s earlier flirtation with leftist climate policies before COVID.
For example, just weeks after his inauguration in 2017, Trump met with a group of Republican has-beens and the Climate Leadership Council led by former Secretary-of-State James Baker to discuss the need for a carbon tax to fight global warming. Baker’s law firm represented Exxon and Rex Tillerson and he lobbied for Tillerson to get his old job as Trump’s Secretary of State. Tillerson was a supporter of the Paris Climate Agreement that Trump pretended to oppose and an advocate of carbon taxes to fund the fight against so-called climate change.
By the way, Obama proposed a plan just like Baker’s in 2013 — proving that socialists with an “R” after their names are no different than their Democrat counterparts.
In the early days of Trump’s first term in office, the woman he said he’d be having sex with if she wasn’t his daughter, Ivanka Trump, served as daddy’s de facto climate czar. And true to her life-long status as a Democrat and supporter of far-left ideology, Ivanka promoted global warming policies that even tickled the fancy of her environmentalist hero, Al Gore.
Under her watchful eye — usually behind closed doors — Ivanka’s global warming agenda was gradually adopted by the Republican Party. After declaring so-called climate change “real” in February 2019, House Republicans called for a “conservative alternative” to the Green New Deal that would provide “sensible, realistic, and effective policies to tackle climate change.” A few months later, Rep. Matt Gaetz — yes, THAT Matt Gaetz — introduced the Green Real Deal as a “real, serious plan to address climate change.”
Ivanka’s global warming agenda saw some success as well in the area of carbon taxes. In July 2019, Nationalist Republicans (i.e. conservative frauds) joined forces with Democrats on carbon tax legislation, and it received considerable acceptance by the Republican Party — not as a way to “fix” global warming, but as a way to raise billions of dollars in new revenue to pay for their spending addiction.
By the way, carbon taxes and climate mandates aren’t going away simply because Ivanka won’t allegedly be working for daddy during his second term; her impact will continue to be felt through her earlier work.
In 2018, Ivanka was instrumental in Donald Trump’s appointment of Kelvin Droegemeier to run the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and to be his “science advisor.” Droegemeier is a radical proponent of the global warming lie and served previously as an advisor to numerous Democrat governors on energy and climate issues, and he is an advocate of government-financed action to address so-called “climate change.”
Droegemeier’s appointment was praised by global warming extremists, including the former science advisor who served under Obama, John Holdren. Holdren authored a paper suggesting that global warming be fought through population control via forced abortions, infanticide, and mandatory mass sterilization.
Prior to Droegemeier’s appointment, the OSTP was being led by Michael Kratsios, the man Trump has just announced will be his nominee to fill the position again, this time with an added bonus: the advancement of AI and cryptocurrency (via
On 22 December, Trump said he would nominate technologist Michael Kratsios to be director of OSTP and an assistant to the president for science and technology. Computer scientist Lynne Parker was named counselor to Kratsios, a new position, and executive director of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST).
Trump said the pair will be part of a “brilliant team” led by billionaire David Sacks, his new AI and cryptocurrency czar, who will also chair PCAST. The team will include a White House newcomer, internet entrepreneur and podcaster Sriram Krishnan, who Trump said would be “working closely with Sacks” as OSTP’s senior policy adviser on AI. (Emphasis mine)
Kratsios’ appointment not only means a renewed emphasis on so-called global warming, but it also means a further embrace of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) radical agenda to reshape the global economy. How do I know that? Because Kratsios was recognized in 2020 by WEF as one of their “Young Global Leaders” — a title also given to Ivanka in 2015 — in a program designed to train globalist puppets to become leaders and people of influence in the New World Order.
Outside of official appointments requiring Senate approval, carbon taxes will also receive new emphasis under the “leadership” of Elon Musk. In a February 2021 interview with Joe Rogan, Musk pushed carbon taxes as the best way to deal with so-called global warming:
“The No. 1 way to decrease carbon dioxide emissions would be to levy a tax on carbon.”
Of course, a carbon tax could give an electric vehicle company like Musk’s Tesla a leg up in the market, not to mention the added revenue it will bring in to address “government efficiency.”
For those who claim that Trump would never embrace the idea of carbon taxes or climate lockdowns, the facts above provide plenty of evidence to the contrary. Heck, during his failed 2020 campaign, the wannabe dictator promised to soften his climate change rhetoric and shift his position in favor of pro-environment messaging.
Motivated by an insatiable thirst for more tyrannical power, Donald Trump and the Republican Party are ignoring the inconvenient truth that global warming is a lie, and that’s likely to mean more lockdowns, new carbon taxes, more government control, wealth redistribution, an ever-increasing reliance on Washington, and the complete destruction of liberty.
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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