In the first weeks of his presidency, Trump had already begun breaking his campaign promise to rein in spending and get America’s fiscal house in order by proposing trillions of dollars in new spending for infrastructure, the military, and funding…
In a January 2017 interview with David Muir on ABC, Trump was asked how he intended to deal with the so-called DREAMers (aka, illegal immigrants brought into the country as children) who would be impacted by his plan to rescind…
Following the 9/11 attacks, George W. Bush and Congress joined forces to launch a tyrannical assault against liberty in America in the name of safety. Perhaps the crowning achievement of their effort was the overwhelmingly bipartisan support for and passage…
Global warming made the news on two fronts last week. First, Donald Trump “officially” withdrew from the Paris climate accord he pretended to withdraw from nearly 2½ years ago. Second, a group of over 11,000 “scientists” published a warning in…
Depending upon which way the political winds are blowing on any given day — or whatever Trump and his intel team at FOX News tells him to say — Sen. Lindsey Graham has been all over the map when it…
Despite the bend-over-backwards effort by certain members of the faux-conservative media to dismiss Tuesday’s election results as having nothing to do with Trump (*cough* Laura Ingraham *cough*), it’s an indisputable fact that the anti-Trump/GOP momentum that began in the 2017…
In 2010, Rand Paul, a self-described Constitutional conservative with Libertarian leanings, was elected to the U.S. Senate to represent the state of Kentucky. As a supporter of the then-emerging Tea Party movement — he wrote a book entitled The Tea…