Recently, I had a run-in of sorts with a former radio colleague, who was once part of a talk radio group known as “The Liberty Lineup,” after he insisted that conservatives put aside the GOP’s betrayal of conservatism and vote…
With Congress reconvening this week, a bucket list of anti-Second Amendment gun control legislation is about to be shoved down America’s throat. Of course, as they do on every day ending in “y,” Democrats are prepared to advance bills designed…
When it comes to the apostasy of the so-called evangelicals who worship at the alter of Trump and unconditionally defend his indefensible behavior, it’s clear to see how they have abandoned the Gospel of Jesus Christ and exchanged it at…
Accusations by a growing number of members of the so-called conservative media about how their free speech rights are being denied by media giants like Google and Facebook are increasing in intensity, with Donald “Fake News” Trump cheerleading them along…
When Trump was asked about the trade war with China at the recent G7 Summit, he expressed that his only regret was that he didn’t raise tariffs higher. Apparently, he isn’t regretting it any longer. Despite the documented damage being…
In an article I wrote last week about how Trump’s trade war with China and other economic policies are bad for business and bad for labor, I provided evidence showing how he was driving the economy off a cliff into…
Following the shellacking they took in last year’s mid-term election, and with the party’s hopes for success once again moored to the S.S. Trumptanic, the odds of the GOP retaking the House in 2020 were already stacked against them even…