People who were concerned about how Trump might blow up the G7 Summit this past weekend can put those fears to rest because he behaved exactly as most Americans expected him to behave. /sarcasm Beginning with a threat to “retaliate”…
Ever since the attacks on September 11, 2001 by Islamic terrorists, our overlords in Washington have been working overtime to find new and improved ways to destroy liberty, including the use of technology. For example, in a manner reminiscent of…
Republicans are so concerned about their survival as a party that they’re willing to go to any lengths to save their political posteriors. This is why Trump and the GOP have caved to Democrat demands on vital issues such as…
Last week I was honored to guest host on two occasions for my friend Shannon Joy on her radio show heard at 9 PM ET on News Radio WHAM 1180. On one of those shows, I discussed the coming economic…
Donald Trump told reporters yesterday that Democrats would dump the Second Amendment if given the chance. “I think the Republicans are very unified. We are very strong on our Second Amendment. “The Democrats are not strong at all on the…
Three weeks from tomorrow is September 11, 2019, and on that date, we will recognize the eighteenth anniversary of the day Islamic terrorists attacked America and killed thousands of innocent people in the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and in…
I have a confession to make. When I wrote my article in June 2018 about how Trump and the GOP were ready to put the final pieces of the puzzle voiding the Second Amendment in place, I was incorrect in…