A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about how faux conservative Trumpists were a direct result of the faux conservative media. Choosing the wide gate of compromise over the narrow gate of conviction, clickservatives in the faux conservative media…
Using the high cost of a college education as cover, Donald Trump and senior advisor/daughter Ivanka released the Proposals to Reform the Higher Education Act. As is always the case whenever Washington uses the word “reform,” the result will be…
In the Age of Trump, where Trumpservatism has replaced conservatism within the Republican party, many of those once heralded for their “strident” defense of conservative values have come out of the closet — politically speaking — to publicly admit their…
One of the unfortunate realities of the conservative movement in the Age of Trump is that it has become another arm of the Trump propaganda machine. Gone are the days when conservatives fought for principles like smaller and limited government, fiscal…
When Democrats passed the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, they succeeded in setting mandatory Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS) that required ever-increasing amounts of ethanol be blended into gasoline. Despite documented evidence of ethanol’s damage to consumers and the…
Global warming, or to be more specific, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, was in the news over the weekend courtesy of a Washington Post op-ed penned by two self-identified “moderates” — aka unibrow progressives — in the U.S. Senate. In…
After Sen. Ben Sasse’s Born-alive Abortion Survivors Act failed to garner the 60 votes necessary to overcome a filibuster, Trump and the GOP jumped on the opportunity to turn the vote into an anti-Democrat campaign issue to raise funds and…