I watched Trump’s State of the Union speech last night and besides losing 90 minutes of my life that I’ll never get back, I discovered that I could have simply replayed the 2018 edition because Trump used his time on…
I’ve written several articles since the 2018 midterms about the growing acceptance of Marxist-style socialism within the Democrat Party and how it has moved Democrats further left than we ever thought possible as they openly advocate destroying capitalism and replacing…
A long time ago in a Congress far, far away, the House Freedom Caucus was formed to be a type of Rebel Alliance dedicated to fighting the empire known as the GOP establishment. After ruling for years through fear, intimidation,…
Yesterday, Strident Conservative contributor Lita Adrianna wrote an excellent piece about the Reproductive Health Act signed into New York law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a law that legalizes the murder of pre-born children up to the day of delivery. Lita…
What do you do when you’re Donald Trump and you just caved so BIGLY to Nancy Pelosi that even Ann Coulter — author of In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! — calls you “the biggest wimp ever to serve…
When Trump surrendered to Nancy Pelosi Wednesday night by agreeing to postpone his State of the Union address until after the government shutdown is over, he essentially confirmed what we’ve always known about him; he’s an egomaniacal narcissist who possesses…
As Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign prepares to put the pedal to the metal, the administration wants to begin making its push for its Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, according to a report by The Jerusalem Post. Trump committed back in September 2018…