America is about to “celebrate” the one-year anniversary of the start of Trump’s trade war. On January 22, 2018, the man with more business failures than successes — including four bankruptcies — began his assault on the U.S. economy by…
In his speech to the nation last night, Donald Trump did what I expected him to do — blame Democrats for his and the GOP’s failure over the past two years to do their jobs. Of course, to anyone paying…
“The true bulwark of our freedom and national independence is to be found in the souls of our people. Our greatest defense lies in their love of liberty and strength of character.” – Ronald Reagan These words spoken by the…
The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives plans to introduce new gun control legislation tomorrow. The bill, dubbed H.R. 8 in recognition of the eighth anniversary of the shooting of former Rep. Gabby Giffords on Jan. 8, 2011, will require federal background…
The Democrats officially grabbed the reins of power from the Republicans yesterday as the 116th Congress opened for business. After electing Trump’s personally endorsed candidate for House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and the blue side of the unibrow aisle got right…
Sen. Mitt Romney — I still can’t believe those words came out of my mouth — was the talk of the town yesterday after calling out Trump for his poor leadership and lack of character in an op-ed in the…
Well, 2019 has begun, and with the change in the calendar comes a change in Washington as the Democrats prepare to flex their new-found muscles after handing Trump and the GOP the worst midterm defeat since Watergate. Thanks to two…