Based on Trump’s meetings with our NATO allies, his Helsinki summit with his BFF Vladimir Putin, and his repeated episodes of Foot-in-Mouth disease since returning home, I don’t think it’s much of an exaggeration to conclude that Donald Trump has…
If you’re a Facebook user, you’re no doubt familiar with the “memories” feature. Users who click this link can look back at posts and other activities made on a specific date in years past. For example, on July 18th, 2018,…
Following Trump’s bizarre performance at the Helsinki Summit with his BFF Vladimir Putin, bi-partisan condemnation of his press conference was swift and severe after he expressed his willingness to accept Putin’s word that Russia didn’t interfere with the 2016 election,…
It’s no mystery to even the casual observer of American politics that Donald Trump has little love for Freedom of the Press as he repeats his claim of “Fake News” like a broken record any time the news media reports…
After years of compromising their convictions and trading their principles for political power, the GOP provided little resistance to Donald Trump and his nationalist populist ideology as he and the so-called new American right seized control of the party. As…
While so-called conservatives and Trump supporters—but I repeat myself—have been singing the praises of Donald Trump for nominating Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court, Mitch McConnell has been busy singing his own praises for his work…
Much as it was when the Democrats passed Obamacare and the Republicans passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, when it comes to what kind of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh might be, we’re going to have to wait for…