The latest outrage du jour by the Washington Establishment comes from the news that children are being temporarily separated from their parents as they try to enter the country illegally. In her latest presentation of the gospel according to Nancy…
When Donald Trump issued an executive order in Sept. 2017 rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) order issued by Barack Obama, he was cheered by his adoring fans for appearing to keep one of his campaign promises regarding…
After Trump signed an agreement with N. Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un, promising to end joint military drills with S. Korea—because drills are so “provocative”—and to withdraw US troops from the Korean peninsula in exchange for Un’s pinky-swear promise to destroy…
Yesterday, Mitch McConnell became the latest example of the need for term limits when he became the longest-serving, anti-conservative leader in US Senate history, at eleven years, five months, and ten days. Mickey’s pro-establishment mentality during his tenure has successfully…
When “Massachusetts Mitt” Romney announced his candidacy to fill the US Senate seat being vacated by retiring Orin Hatch, the east-coast liberal assured the citizens of Utah that they could support his carpetbagger campaign because he was “a Utahn at…
It’s no mystery to the majority of liberty-loving Americans that politicians of every political stripe have been working feverishly to find new ways to restrict or eliminate our constitutionally protected God-given rights. And there has been perhaps no greater effort…
The anti-Second Amendment hysteria by left-wing extremists and the media—but I repeat myself—has reached a fever pitch following recent incidents of gun violence at public schools as it breathes new life into a punch list of Constitutionally questionable laws designed…