As I wrote yesterday following passage of an anti-Second Amendment gun-control bill by the Florida State Senate, there is a growing acceptance by our political overlords to not only create enormous obstacles for Americans wanting to buy a gun, but…
In the aftershock of the February shooting at a high school at Parkland, FL, the state senate passed a feel-good bill that does little to prevent such tragedies from happening again but could do a great deal to bolster Governor…
The summer of 2016 was an interesting and dangerous time for liberty-loving Americans. The Department of Homeland Security had become the preferred tool in Washington’s Constitution-killing toolbox to allegedly improve national security and keep the American people “safe.” In June,…
When Donald Trump announced YUGE tariffs on solar panels and residential washing machines earlier this year, he officially launched a new global trade war. Under the guise of “America First,” Trump’s used his Nationalist Populist philosophy to advance big government…
Following the 2016 election, Democrats went right to work on re-creating the party. While you would think they would take this opportunity to move the party away from the extreme left-wing ideology that had cost them the election, Democrats instead…
During the presidency of Barack Obama, conservatives were justifiably concerned over his multi-faceted attack on the Constitution as he advanced a host of liberal priorities important to his Democratic Socialist base. But it looks like Obama will be relegated to…
In a series of articles I wrote in October and November last year, I documented how complacency with our God-given rights had officially ushered in the era of post-Constitutional America. This ignorant thinking has created an environment of government dependency…