When the Senate passed the #MOGA (Make Obama Great Again) budget, it laid the groundwork for funding many of the pet projects of Obama and the left, including: Planned Parenthood, DACA, and Obamacare subsidies. If it becomes law, this budget…
Donald Trump is no fan of the First Amendment right to Freedom of the Press. Throughout his candidacy and continuing throughout his presidency, Trump has played the worn-out “Fake News” card against anyone who reports stories that fail to massage…
After John Kelly and Javanka successfully removed Steve Bannon from his cushy White House job, the former senior advisor to Donald Trump returned to his position as Chief Propagandist for The Publication Formerly Known as Breitbart News where he declared…
On his first day in office, Donald Trump, who is on pace to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records for signing more executive orders than any president in the last 50 years, began his record-breaking streak by…
One of the few bright spots coming from the Trump administration has been his willingness to let the EPA under Scott Pruitt undo some of the damage done by the agency during the Obama administration. Unfortunately, Trump recently decided to…
Faced with the binary choice created by the two-party monopoly of electing Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton as president in 2016, it became vitally important to elect as many conservatives to the House and Senate as possible in order to…
Shortly after the 115th Congress was sworn in earlier this year, the Republican party went to work devising a scheme designed to give the appearance that they would repeal Obamacare while actually doing the opposite. One of the GOP cowards…