For those of you still watching NFL football now that the league and its owners have fully embraced Black Lives Matter and their load of lies by encouraging fake protests by rich narcissists to fix a non-existent problem, get ready…
A few days ago, I wrote an article about how Donald Trump attacked Rand Paul for not supporting the fake-repeal of Obamacare, known as Graham/Cassidy. Paul opposed the legislation because it kept all the damaging and costly parts of Obamacare…
As a result of the dismal job approval numbers of Donald Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress, the special election season of 2017 is proving to be a reliable indicator of the difficulties facing the GOP establishment heading into 2018. Still,…
Over the weekend, the nation preoccupied itself with the NFL’s continuing embrace of the Black Lives Matter movement and the ongoing culture war waged against America. Meanwhile, Trump and the GOP have been using the controversy as cover while they…
Last week, I wrote an article about how Rocklin Academy, a charter school in California, had become an indoctrination center where LGBT terrorists programmed children into believing the “born this way” lie that being homosexual or transgender was the result…
Regular readers and listeners of the Strident Conservative know that I frequently provide information about the goings on about of radical LGBT extremists and their declared war on American culture. Often, these updates demonstrate how children are targeted for indoctrination…
Earlier this week, I called out Tea Party Patriots for their political adultery as they endorsed fake-repeal v4.0 of Obamacare, co-sponsored by Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy. Just as previous so-called repeal bills have been, the Graham/Cassidy version is a…