After every presidential election, there are often a host of special elections across the country to fill vacancies created when a member of Congress accepts an appointment by the new president to serve in the new administration. Typically, these…
A few days ago, I wrote a piece about the generation of snowflakes populating college campuses across America and the safe zones used by these whiny crybabies to avoid having their delicate sensibilities offended by the words of people they…
Albert Einstein is accredited with saying that “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” When it comes to the federal budget and America’s unsustainable national debt, Uncle Albert could have been talking…
Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton. What do these names have in common? Besides the fact that they are either RINOs or liberal Democrats—but I repeat myself—they are just a few of the…
So, what happens to a society when it raises children to care more about their feelings than what they need to know about life? You create a generation of hyper-sensitive “snowflakes” who believe that sticks and stones may break their…
Yesterday, I shared how the US Air Force had become the latest casualty of the culture war launched by the Gay Mafia against morality and Christianity after it was announced that the Air Force Academy was about to make an…
Following the announcement that Colonel Kristen Goodwin has been selected to become the next commandant of the US Air Force Academy, the institution is about to become the latest casualty in the culture war launched by the Gay Mafia against…