Author: David Leach

LGBT sexual tyranny and the Boy Scouts of America

When LGBT sexual tyranny chalks up another victory in places like the left-coast state of California—where they are about to add a make-believe third gender option for CA driver’s licenses, ID cards, and birth certificates—it’s a business as usual situation…

Trump assumes command of Obama’s Gestapo

police state gestapo

During the monarchial reign of Barack Obama, the ex-president was well-known for his agenda-driven disregard of the limitations placed on the federal government by the Founding Fathers within the Constitution. As a result, Washington’s power grew as it achieved greater…

GOP Establishment vs. a kingdom of conscience

I received a lot of feedback on yesterday’s commentary about how Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have traded their Conservative principles for compromising politics; needless to say, it was a mixed-bag of supporters and detractors. One of the glaring arguments…