Like many of my Conservative brethren, I have very little sympathy for the dysfunctional and badly broken mainstream media, particularly after the last eight years of media incest between Obama and the press. But the constant cry of “fake news”…
In the months leading up to the 2010 midterm elections, the GOP minority in Congress was looking for ways to win back its lost majority after witnessing Obama and the Democrats spend hundreds of billions of dollars on a boatload…
Less than a year ago, the National Basketball Association threatened to move the annual All Star game from the home of the Charlotte Hornets if the state of North Carolina refused to make it legal for grown men to use…
For several years now under the feckless leadership of Mitch McConnell, the GOP promise to repeal Obamacare “root and branch” has proven to be nothing more than another election year lie designed to trick Conservatives into voting for Republicans. One…
Created during the Great Depression, the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im) of the United States has been in operation as a financier to facilitate the purchase of American goods and services by foreign businesses and governments. While allegedly self-sustaining, the Ex-Im Bank…
Civil asset forfeiture is the power of government to seize property suspected of being produced by, or involved in, criminal activity based only on the suspicion of such activity, even before being charged or convicted of a crime. There is…
Do you remember back a few years ago, before Al Gore invented the internet, how politicians raised money by phone? Do you remember how Vice President Gore was under investigation for using his office in the White House and the…