In typical reality show fashion, Donald Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to fill the open seat on the Supreme Court made vacant by the death of Antonin Scalia last year. According to Trump, this…
When LGBT sexual tyranny chalks up another victory in places like the left-coast state of California—where they are about to add a make-believe third gender option for CA driver’s licenses, ID cards, and birth certificates—it’s a business as usual situation…
One of the reasons we were told to vote for Donald Trump last year was that he wasn’t your typical politician; in fact, he wasn’t a politician at all. His political inexperience would give America a president that truly reflected…
Following an election where the American people gave the repugnant (oops, I mean Republican) party full control of Washington, D.C., the invertebrate GOP held their annual “retreat”–a word that has historically carried more than one meaning when discussing the party…
Throughout his campaign for president, Donald Trump repeatedly emphasized his promise to build a big, beautiful, technologically advanced wall on the border between the United States and Mexico. Not only did he promise to build it, he promised that Mexico…
During the monarchial reign of Barack Obama, the ex-president was well-known for his agenda-driven disregard of the limitations placed on the federal government by the Founding Fathers within the Constitution. As a result, Washington’s power grew as it achieved greater…
I received a lot of feedback on yesterday’s commentary about how Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have traded their Conservative principles for compromising politics; needless to say, it was a mixed-bag of supporters and detractors. One of the glaring arguments…