Author: David Leach

Conservative Comedy Friday – 8/5/16

In the words of John McCain, “Allahu Akbar It’s Friday!” And of course that means it’s time for some conservative comedy. Every Friday we bring you some of the best conservative political and religious comedy, jokes, and satire on the…

Barack Obama: America’s Gay Feminist President

During Obama’s reelection campaign of 2012, Newsweek Magazine attempted to give his campaign a big boost with a cover story proudly declaring him to be America’s “First Gay President.” He earned this distinction following his so-called evolution on the subject…

Nixon had Watergate – Trump has Putingate

Over the weekend, Donald Trump was questioned on ABC’s This Week about the Russian invasion of the Crimean Peninsula in light of his pro-Russia attitude and his recent implication that he would abandon NATO allies in the event of war.…