Author: David Leach

Jeb Bush enshrined in the G.O.P. Hall of Shame

The evidence keeps piling up against the establishment Republicans as they prepare their attempt to take back the White House in 2016. Earlier this week, we enshrined Mitt Romney in the Gutless On Principles (GOP) Hall of Shame for being too much…

Conservative Comedy 11/28/14

It’s Conservative Comedy time at the Strident Conservative. As I do every Friday, I bring you some of the best conservative political and religious comedy, jokes, and satire on the internet, sure to provide a good laugh to begin your…

Lindsey Graham’s empty threat of impeachment

Earlier this year, Gutless On Principles (GOP) Hall of Shame member, and rumoured presidential candidate, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-INO SC) threatened President Barack Hussein Obama with impeachment if he continued to release terrorist detainees from the military prison facility located at Guantanamo Bay without…

November 20, 2014 – The day the Constitution died

November 20, 2014 – the day the Constitution died. As a result of Obama’s Hitleresque Executive Order giving millions of Democrat voters—a.k.a. illegal immigrants—a free ride to citizenship via his promise not to prosecute them for breaking the law, the Constitution was…