Author: David Leach

Jesus never taught “tolerance”

  Pioneer. Champion. The new Jackie Robinson. These are the accolades being heaped on Jason Collins for making the following announcement:  I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black. And I’m gay. – Jason Collins Gee, I didn’t know he was black.…

Conservative Comedy 4/26/13

It’s Friday! Time for a few laughs courtesy of Jodi Miller and Newsbusted along with our new addition, the Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change.   Have a great weekend!    

Conservative Comedy 4/12/13

It’s Friday! Time for a few laughs courtesy of Jodi Miller and Newsbusted along with our new addition, the Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change. Have a great weekend!    

Conservative Comedy 4/5/13

It’s Friday! Time for a few laughs courtesy of Jodi Miller and Newsbusted along with our new addition to our site, the Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change.  Have a great weekend!