Have you heard that scientists are going to start using lawyers and politicians instead of rats for laboratory experiments? Apparently, this keeps the scientists from becoming too attached to their subjects . . . and there are simply some things even a rat won’t…
Author: David Leach
Conservative Comedy 3/15/13
It’s Friday. . . and you all know what that means. It’s time for some laughs to start the weekend from our friend Jodi Miller at Newsbusted (brought to you by Newsbusters). Have a great weekend!
John McCain and Lindsey Graham Introduce The Protection of RINO WIMPS Act of 2013
In an unexpected, but not surprising move, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have proposed new legislation intended to protect the endangered RINO. If it becomes law, the Protection of Republicans In Name Only and Washington Insiders Masquerading as Public Servants…
CAGW Names Debbie Stabenow 2012 Porker of the Year
(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) announced the results of its online poll for the 2012 Porker of the Year. Last year produced an abundance of ridiculous moments in taxpayer gouging and government overreach, but in the…
Conservative Comedy 3/8/13
It’s Friday. . . and you all know what that means. It’s time for some laughs to start the weekend. Starting this week, in addition to our weekly dose of great Conservative humor from Jodi Miller and Newsbusted (brought to you by…
Rand Paul Is A Hero – John McCain And Lindsey Graham Are Cowards
For over 13 hours yesterday, Rand Paul (R-KY) took a stand in defense of the Constitution of the United States. By way of a good-old-fashioned filibuster, he used the confirmation of John O. Brennan to be the new Director of the C.I.A. as an…
Politically Correct Sexuality
The parents of a 6-year-old boy have filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division because Eagleside Elementary School in Fountain banned the first-grader from using the girls’ restroom. While this may seem to be one of those “dog bites man”…