Have a great weekend!
Author: David Leach
Republican Retreat Or Retreating Republicans?
In the movie, The Princess Bride, Vizzini (played by Wallace Shawn) habitually used the word “inconceivable” when events occurred that were contrary to his expectations. After growing weary of repeatedly hearing the word, Inigo Montoya (played by Mandy Patinkin) says to Vizzini, “You keep using…
Conservative Comedy – 1/11/13
Have a great weekend!
Chuckleheads Of The World Unite!
During the imaginary financial crisis known as the “fiscal cliff“—we call it imaginary because it was created by gutless politicians who lacked the courage to deal with the government’s spending addiction during the debt ceiling negotiations in 2011—Republican Congressman, Steve LaTourette,…
Conservative Comedy 1/1/13 (New Year Edition)
Start your New Year with a laugh courtesy of Jodie Miller and Newsbusted Happy New Year!
John McCain Enshrined In The G.O.P. Hall Of Shame
As the Republicans continue their post-mortem of the November, 2012 election, an ever-growing chorus of voices—from members who call themselves Conservatives—are calling for drastic changes in how the party should operate in order to win in the future. Sadly, it isn’t the “batten down…
Conservative Comedy 12/7/12
Have a great weekend!