Author: David Leach

CAGW Names Senator Stabenow Porker of the Month

This year’s election is possibly the most important in the nation’s history. Wealth-redistribution, record deficit spending, and a long list of socialist-leaning policies have literally put America on the precipice. In that spirit, I will be sharing information from various…

Coming Soon: Etch A Sketch – Romney Signature Edition

While not official, the buying public is anxiously awaiting the announcement and release of the Etch A Sketch RSE (Romney Signature Edition), which is definitively NOT the same product manufactured by the Ohio Art Company baby boomers grew up with. The Etch-A-Sketch RSE comes with one significant…

Steven Chu Must Be Grading On A Curve

 That’s the only explanation for grading himself higher than A-minus when asked to grade his policies effects on gas prices. Energy Secretary Steven Chu told a House panel Tuesday that he’d give himself  top marks when asked to grade his…