Even as Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates are being thrown out by the courts, several departments within the government have been using them to collect the personal information of Christians who object to the taking the shot for religious reasons and…
New evidence shows that among the records Donald Trump’s lawyers attempted to withhold from Jan. 6 investigators is a draft of an executive order to stage a military coup to allow him to remain in power. Under the order, the…
In the continuing saga known as the war on “Big Tech,” we are often reminded about how there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats, which is why Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) has joined Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) on a bill…
One of the indisputable realities of the Republican/Democrat duopoly is that there is simply no difference between the two parties, which is why it should come as no surprise to learn that Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) has joined forces with…
From the very beginning of COVID tyranny, the push for vaccine passports by governments around the world has been nothing but a backdoor way of using the so-called pandemic to build an Orwellian police state, and with recent revelations that…
Lindsey Graham recently suggested that he won’t support Mitch McConnell as majority leader if Republicans retake the Senate in the upcoming midterm election because the Kentucky senator is insufficiently loyal to Donald Trump. Graham made the comment during an interview…
As things heat up ahead of the 2022 midterm election, one thing remains clear: America has lost her heart, and she won’t find it in Washington politics. There’s been a lot of armchair quarterbacking by politicians and pundits in both…