Joe Biden’s war against liberty marched another step forward recently when he made Saule Omarova, a woman who hates free market banks but loves communism, his nominee for the job of as Comptroller of the Currency — a position where…
During a recent appearance on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight, J.D. Vance — a faux-conservative Trumpist and U.S. Senate candidate for the state of Ohio — adopted some of Bernie Sanders’ agenda when he declared that the government should seize…
In a lame but politically correct attempt by the National Football League (NFL) to address accusations of being slow to support players who have demonstrated against racism and police violence, Roger Goodell decided to allow players to wear messages like…
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law last week that makes it easier to sexually exploit children in secret by forcing insurance companies to conceal from parents the medical services their children are receiving, including services involving abortion,…
One indisputable fact concerning the Republican Party is that it is no longer the home of conservatives, and since the 2016 election, conservatism has been replaced by nationalism at the hands of Trumpists like Dean Heller, who just announced that…
One of Joe Biden’s top priorities since becoming president has been to begin the dismantling of the Second Amendment via anti-gun rights executive orders, so it should come as no surprise to see Democrats include a provision within their military…
The Supreme Court has set a date (December 1, 2021) for hearing arguments in a Mississippi anti-abortion case that many say will bring an end to Roe v. Wade, but regardless of how the court rules, incrementalism and the murder…