Local officials of the Wyoming Republican Party have announced they will no longer recognize Liz Cheney as a party member because of her vote to impeach Donald Trump. Liz Cheney is paying the price for standing on her principles and…
Not only did Republicans break a campaign promise to reduce government spending when they decided to help Democrats pass a $1 trillion infrastructure spending package, they also paved the way for Chuck Schumer and the Democrats to pass a $3.5…
A new initiative is being launched that will take a bite out of liberty by teaming up Big Tech companies with big government in order to make it easier to share our private information between the public and private sectors.…
According to recently released internal documents, the federal government provided millions of dollars in taxpayer money to researchers who sought out aborted minority babies — from 6 weeks gestation to full-term — for the purpose of harvesting their organs. Specifically,…
After several days of browbeating by far-left members of the Democrat Party, Joe Biden abandoned his responsibility to protect and defend the Constitution by issuing a new eviction moratorium immediately after he admitted that it was unconstitutional and would likely…
In another demonstration of what the new “normal” and coronavirus tyranny looks like, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio issued an order yesterday that mandates proof of vaccination compliance in order to patronize restaurants, gyms, theatres, and other indoor…
During a press briefing yesterday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo took the next step towards making vaccine passports mandatory for the citizens of his state by urging private businesses to adopt “vaccine-only admission” policies and allow entry only to customers…