The Republican Party finds itself in an awkward position ahead of its August convention as a result of Trump’s “all about me” decision to move the location of his nominating speech after his dispute with North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper…
Before the protesting and rioting occurring across the nation in response to the senseless and tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer ruled the daily headlines, coronavirus hysteria was the dominating story grabbing everyone’s…
I’m sure you heard by now about former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ rebuke of Donald Trump in the aftermath of his Battle Hymn of the Trumpublic performance where he “marched” across the street from the White House to St. John’s…
Things have been pretty hectic in Trump’s “winning” America lately. When he’s not waging war on social media companies and the right to free speech, he’s exercising his dictator muscles with police-state threats against protesters and their right to assemble…
The “Battle Hymn of the Republic” was written by Julia Ward Howe, a Unitarian who didn’t believe in the Trinity or the Deity of Jesus Christ. And even though it’s sung in Christian circles across America to feel more “patriotic,”…
It’s a sad reality that many of our “representatives” in Washington have made “saying one thing while then doing another” a way of life. We see this every election season when they give us their list of promises they have…
Welcome to Conservative Comedy Friday – Coronavirus Quarantine Edition. Did you know that Denver International Airport was put under mandatory quarantine after it was discovered that several of the employees had contracted COVID-19 from a group of international passengers? The…