As we approach the thirty-day mark of Trump’s “it’s not my fault” cover-up campaign in response to his failure to address the coronavirus pandemic and the havoc it is wreaking on the economy, I’m sad to report little has changed.…
Faster than you can say, “Never let a crisis go to waste,” plans are being made in Washington for another $2 trillion stimulus package in response to coronavirus hysteria. The bill, along with a bucket list of far-left, big government…
With the St. Louis branch of the Federal Reserve projecting a loss of over 47 million jobs and a 32.1% unemployment rate — the Great Depression saw a peak of 24.9% unemployed — Donald Trump wants you to know that…
After weeks of playing a political blame game where Democrats and Republicans took turns trying to out-socialism each other in response to the coronavirus hysteria sweeping the nation, Trump signed the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES)…
When I wrote last week’s article entitled “If you liked the TARP bailout, you’re going to love the coronavirus bailout,” I mentioned that Trump and his fellow nationalist Republicans in Congress were promising to spare no expense to deliver the…
Last week I wrote an article about how Republicans and Democrats are using the coronavirus hysteria as an opportunity to advance the Far-Left’s goal of releasing prisoners under the guise of not spreading of the virus. Though most of the…
Hardly a day goes by anymore that we don’t hear about nationalist Republicans working together with like-minded socialist Democrats on ways to leverage coronavirus hysteria into an opportunity to create a bigger, more tyrannical government. Over the past two weeks…