David Thornton is a professional pilot and freelance writer. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and Emmanuel College. He currently lives in Georgia with his family.
Find him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/DavidWThorntonwriter and Twitter @captainkudzu.
Over the past six weeks, there has been a bloodletting in the executive branch as President Trump has fired no less than four inspectors general. The four IGs all worked for different agencies within the executive branch. The drawn-out massacre…
Last week, I reported on a Goldman Sachs estimate that new unemployment filings could increase 800 percent to more than 2 million. The reality was much worse. The sudden onset of the Coronavirus pandemic and associated stay-at-home advisories and orders led…
Joe Biden’s stunning turnaround and the decision of most of the Democratic candidates to suspend their campaigns have dramatically reshaped the primary campaign. A race that looked likely to be contested up to the convention now looks as though it…
The law of unintended consequences figures prominently in public policy. When the legacy of President Trump is written into the history books, whether that be one year from now or five, it is likely that this axiom, which holds that…
President Trump provoked a stock market selloff earlier this week when he told reporters that a China trade deal might not be completed until after next year’s election. There are also possible new tariffs on France as well as renewed…
That thumping sound that you just heard was Donald Trump tossing his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, under the wheels of the presidential limo. Yesterday, the president denied that Giuliani was working in Ukraine on his behalf. When asked by Bill…
The 2016 election included the strongest third-party campaign since Ross Perot in 1992 and it looks like the two major parties have not gotten any more popular in the intervening three years. A new poll shows that just under 40…