I recently wrote an article “Birther’s beware! Ted Cruz is eligible to be president!” which you may have read and passed on to others. If anyone has disputed the article to you, linked below is an updated and much better…
Patriots of America endorse Donald Trump for President. He transcends all other candidates. But if he wins the GOP nomination, an important question will be his running mate. What if Trump picks Ted Cruz for second spot on the…
Two distinct groups have now formed among the eight top Republican Party candidates. The first group is the patriots made up of Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul. The second group is the statists made up of…
Ponder this: Why are conservatives such as William Bennett, George Will, Bill Kristol, et al so graciously accepted by the prevailing liberal establishment? Why is there almost a camaraderie between today’s prominent conservatives and liberals? It is because today’s conservatives…
Contemptuous disgust is the emotion that patriots feel these days when we have to endure bureaucrats and talking heads on television, or anywhere else for that matter. But contempt and disgust are far too mild to describe the reaction of…
The wise thinkers of history have always understood that political systems are the products of our conception of truth and justice. Since 1776, we in America have believed that a just political system must be based upon a concept of…
A revolutionary political earthquake lies up ahead. The popularity of Trump foretells this. We’re feeling the tremors right now. But the feeling of revulsion for the Washington establishment is not yet clear enough and widespread enough in the minds of…