Before Joe Biden, Donald Trump was connected to the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset
Under the auspices of the World Economic Forum, global policymakers are advocating for the creation of a New World Order via a globalist plot known as the Great Reset, a scheme not only connected to Joe Biden, but also to his predecessor, Donald Trump.
As Joe Biden’s presidency marches on, he openly promotes a plan he refers to as “Build Back Better” — a phrase connected to the Great Reset plan to “reinvent capitalism” — but we are now learning that Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” rhetoric is also connected courtesy of his former-Advisor and daughter, Ivanka (via White House archives):
Ivanka Trump is Advisor to the President. In her role, she focuses on the education and economic empowerment of women and their families as well as job creation and economic growth through workforce development, skills training and entrepreneurship.
Prior to her father’s election as forty-fifth President of the United States, Ivanka oversaw development and acquisitions at the Trump Organization alongside her brothers Donald Jr. and Eric. Ivanka led some of the company’s largest and most complex transactions.
Also an entrepreneur, Ivanka founded an eponymous lifestyle brand.
Ivanka graduated from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in 2004.
Ivanka is the author of two New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling books.
Ivanka has been included in Fortune magazine’s prestigious “40 Under 40” list (2014) and was honored as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum (2015). Most recently, Ivanka was also featured in Time’s 100 Most Influential list (2017) and Forbes’ “World’s 100 Most Powerful Women” (2017).
Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, live in Washington, D.C. and have three young children, Arabella, Joseph and Theodore.
Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum and promoter of the Great Reset, is the founder of Young Global Leaders, a program designed to train globalist puppets to become leaders and people of influence in the New World Order.
Any doubt as to Schwab’s intentions with the program were eliminated by the man himself in a 2017 appearance at the John F. Kennedy School of Government when he bragged about how he used his handpicked leaders of tomorrow to “penetrate governments” and reshape the world in his image:
“And I have to say, when I mention our names, like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they all have been young global leaders of the World Economic Forum.
“But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, president of Argentina and so on…
“So, we penetrate the cabinets.”
Is it any wonder Ivanka was touted as a possible running mate for Daddy in 2024, or worse, a candidate for president? It’s almost as if she were handpicked for the job or something.
One of Joe Biden’s first orders of business after his inauguration was to appoint John Kerry to be climate czar who, as the official representative of the new administration, spoke at a 2020 panel discussion hosted by the World Economic Forum where he revealed Biden’s devotion to the Great Reset — a commitment Biden made again last year when he called on America to lead in creating a New World Order.
Donald Trump didn’t delegate appearing at the World Economic Forum; he showed up in person. In 2018, he spoke in Davos and declared that his nationalist “America First” ideology had a role to play in building a New World Order through the Great Reset:
“America First does not mean America alone.
“I am here today to represent the interests of the American People, and to affirm America’s friendship and partnership in building a better world. Like all nations represented at this forum, America hopes for a future in which everyone can prosper, and every child can grow up free from violence, poverty, and fear.” (Emphasis mine)
In 2020, Trump spoke at the 50th anniversary of the World Economic Forum — the Great Reset was the theme that year — and began his time on stage with what he described as “The Great American Comeback” before repeating many of the talking points he gave two years earlier.
Great American Comeback? Build Back Better? Is it just me, or are Donald Trump and Joe Biden using the same Great Reset talking points?
To those wishing to dismiss Trump’s remarks as irrelevant to the creation of a New World Order via the Great Reset, let me quote Klaus Schwab when he heaped praise on Trump as he sat on stage as the crowd booed:
“The role of the United States and your personal leadership is absolutely essential. For this reason, your message here has tremendous relevance.”
Why would Klaus have an unpopular Donald Trump on stage if not for the possibility of using him to elevate Ivanka?
Klaus Schwab once described the Great Reset like this:
“A Great Reset is necessary to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being. The global health crisis has laid bare the unsustainability of our old system in terms of social cohesion, the lack of equal opportunities and inclusiveness. Nor can we turn our backs on the evils of racism and discrimination. We need to build into this new social contract our intergenerational responsibility to ensure that we live up to the expectations of young people.
“COVID-19 has accelerated our transition into the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We have to make sure that the new technologies in the digital, biological and physical world remain human-centred and serve society as a whole, providing everyone with fair access.
“This global pandemic has also demonstrated again how interconnected we are. We have to restore a functioning system of smart global cooperation structured to address the challenges of the next 50 years. The Great Reset will require us to integrate all stakeholders of global society into a community of common interest, purpose and action. We need a change of mindset, moving from short-term to long-term thinking, moving from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder responsibility. Environmental, social and good governance have to be a measured part of corporate and governmental accountability.” (Emphasis mine)
The World Economic Forum released a video describing what the Great Reset is all about and if you listen closely, you’ll hear them say that success requires “getting the right people in the right place at the right time.”
Is Ivanka one of those “people?” Could be, which is why it’s important to remember that before Joe Biden, Donald Trump was connected to the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset, and that’s something to keep in mind as 2024 begins heating up.
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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