A bill known as the “See Something, Say Something Online Act” has been recently introduced in the U.S. Senate. If it becomes law, it will accomplish two liberty-killing objectives: Give Big Brother the ability to spy on literally every single…
School districts across the country are facing deadly consequences from their decision to shut down schools and force children to learn at home, creating an explosion in student suicides. While the obvious response to this sad news should be fully…
In December 2020, letters from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) revealed that the federal government used Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act to spy on us and track websites we visited in 2019, so it isn’t…
Donald Trump and his Republican Party have been targeting the First Amendment, specifically free speech and a free press, ever since he first uttered the words “Fake News.” But in the early days of the imaginary post-Trump era — Trump…
Given the current state of runaway progressivism in America, turning to politics to save liberty and our republic sounds more and more like a good idea. But politics alone is not the answer. The reality is that the more we…
In an announcement straight out of the New World Order playbook, a digital Covid vaccine passport is being jointly developed by a group of health and technology companies who anticipate that governments, airlines, and others will soon start asking people…
Will Republicans join Democrats and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) to create a government-sanctioned news media? History indicates a high probability. In a post on her Instagram account earlier this week, AOC announced that Congress will be looking into the creation…