Category: Budget

There you go again, Mitch McConnell

In February, 2013, Mitch McConnell was enshrined into the Gutless On Principles (GOP) Hall of Shame due to his track record of non-existent leadership when it came to dealing with the budget and the national debt. Well, in the words of the…

Only in Obama’s America

NEWSFLASH!! The White House Council of Economic Advisers released the Economic Report of the President yesterday, and it noted that median family incomes are down since Obama took office. Not only that, but many Americans are still worse off today…

John McCain should listen to Matt Foley

Last week, Mitch “Lyin’ Eyes” McConnell threw the House Republicans under the proverbial bus when he blamed them for his inability to get a bill through the Senate that fully funds the Department of Homeland Security, but denies funds for…