In the usual back and forth between the Democrats who want socialized medicine and the rest of the world who don’t, the Saul Alinsky-ites of the left often rail about the lack of an alternative from the Republicans. Besides the…
Category: Budget
Dr. Ben Carson’s alternative to Obamacare – Part Two
Dr. Ben Carson’s alternative to Obamacare – Part One
One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America’s Future – A review
CAGW Names Sen. Lisa Murkowski March Porker of the Month
(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) honored Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) as its March Porker of the Month for her support of a parochial pet project involving the construction of a 38-mile dead-end “Road to Nowhere.” Sen. Murkowski…
Mitch McConnell: Debt Man Walking
All you need to know about Mitch McConnell and his lack of commitment to even the most basic of Conservative principles can be seen in this excellent video released by the Madison Project: “As minority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell should…
The GOP establishment just doesn’t care anymore
Several key moves by the “leadership” of the Republican Party over the past few weeks have made one thing abundantly clear; even to the casual observer, they just don’t care anymore about the issues important to the Conservative base of the…