Trump attended a rally in Ohio this past weekend to support Troy Balderson for Congress talk about himself ahead of the last special election for Congress before November. The vacant seat Troy Balderson hopes to win has been held by…
We’ve all but forgotten that our debt crisis is now worse than it was under Obama. Republicans keep increasing spending every week, and nobody pays attention and nobody on the “Right” is pressuring Trump to dust off his veto pen.…
As I wrote yesterday concerning the renewed interest by Trump and the GOP in congressional term limits, they are pulling out all the stops to save the party as the Blue Tsunami creeps ever closer to the November shores. Having…
In today’s episode, we discuss all the emergency problems transpiring while Congress takes a random week-long vacation. The courts continue to destroy this country and never take a day off, meanwhile, nobody in leadership can be bothered to deal…
When Trump and the GOP passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the bill only provided temporary tax relief for individuals—they expire or “sunset” in 2025 in compliance with Senate rules—while making the corporate tax cuts permanent. Putting Senate rules…
When GOP-controlled Washington abandoned every semblance of fiscal responsibility by adding trillions of dollars to the federal debt with excessive tax cuts and the Omnibus spending deal, the doom of the Republican party was sealed. Complete with funding for nearly…
When will anyone on the Right give a vision for strategic interests in the Middle East? In this episode, we focus on our backwards policies in the Middle East by prioritizing urban renewal in untenable Islamic tribal wars while ignoring…