First I explore some places where we have lost our sense as conservatives of where our policy baseline is on culture and immigration. Ilhan Omar’s views on Jews, as Democrats now admit, stem from a cultural problem. When did we…
One of the unfortunate realities of the conservative movement in the Age of Trump is that it has become another arm of the Trump propaganda machine. Gone are the days when conservatives fought for principles like smaller and limited government, fiscal…
On the same day Trump was hugging the flag while receiving loud shouts of “hosanna” from the adoring worshipers in attendance at the revival services hosted by the National Church of Trump — aka CPAC — America was preparing to…
Like much of the country did yesterday, I watched the House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing where Trump’s former attorney, Michael “Mr. Fix it” Cohen voluntarily appeared to testify. In his opening statement, Cohen said he was there “to correct…
I continue our discussion on how the conservative legal movement is not only wrong about the power of the courts, but is pushing certain judicial nominees who are part of the problem. Next, I address the congressional resolution of disapproval…
One of the priorities identified by Nancy Pelosi in her campaign to become Speaker of the House following the Democrats’ historic victory in the 2018 mid-term election was gun control. So, it should come as no surprise that the House…
As the GOP continues with its postmortem examination of the 2018 election, party leadership is desperately looking for the killer responsible for the death of the former party of Reagan instead of admitting that it was a suicide. Last week,…