Category: Congress

1.6 million letters tell Congress to stop ObamaNet

About a month ago, George Soro’s financially backed plan to see government control of the internet became a reality when the FCC announced its Net Neutrality regulations. These new rules altered the Title II of the Communications Act and created an environment that makes…

GOP-controlled Congress dismantles the 4th Amendment

While John Boehner’s budget disaster made all of the headlines last week, he and his Washington-insider buddies were busy dismantling the Constitution–specifically that pesky part that deals with the right of Americans to be free from unreasonable search and seizure (the Fourth…

Congress Has A Gang Problem

Dangerous and destructive gangs are roaming the nation’s capital. No one knows their origins, but since their arrival in the halls of Congress they have grown in number and power; and they are leaving behind a path of destruction everywhere they go. These…