A lot of water has gone under the bridge since I wrote in April that chances for a Democrat takeover of the Senate were getting stronger. Since then, things have gotten a bit worse for Republicans. The current 53-47 balance…
Conservatives have no place in the Republican Party! Tuesday night was another disaster of a primary for conservatives. I explain once and for all why we will never have a place in this wretched and perfidious party. Plus, I update…
Early last week, the Mitch McConnell-led Republican Party introduced a $1 trillion coronavirus stimulus benefit package as a counteroffer to Nancy Pelosi’s $3 trillion Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act (HEROES Act). Discussions on the need for another…
Obamacare repeal. Other than illegal immigration and defunding Planned Parenthood, the promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), has perhaps been the primary reason voters have supported the Republican Party — support that reached its zenith in 2016 when…
Trump, DACA, and DREAMers were in the news again recently. And just like every other time they are mentioned in the same sentence, it wasn’t what you’d consider “good” news. Just shy of three weeks ago, Trump, DACA, and DREAMers…
Back in May when the House passed Nancy Pelosi’s $3 trillion Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, we got another taste of just how far Democrats are willing to go to funnel money to their special interest…
“So, what do you think will happen in November?” In a recent interview with Shannon Joy — her radio show is heard at 9 PM ET on News Radio WHAM 1180 — I was asked this question, and I responded…