Yesterday I posted an article about how Reince Priebus threatened Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Jeb Bush, saying that if they continued to refuse giving their endorsement to Donald Trump, he would rig the primaries against them if they decide…
The political corruption within the GOP establishment is on full display now that Donald Trump has been welcomed as a member of the club. In an interview on CBS’s Face the Nation, Reince Priebus, whose name sounds a lot like…
When he was the Democrat candidate for president, Bill Clinton promised a boatload of benefits in order to buy your vote. One of his campaign promises was the Family Medical Leave Act, which requires employers to provide up to twelve…
Yesterday I wrote about the frustration many Conservatives are having with the GOP establishment due to the willingness of these gutless wonders to surrender their principles whenever it suits their selfish political ambitions. In that piece, I called out Marco…
There are millions of reasons for Conservatives to be frustrated with the GOP establishment, but #1 on the hit parade is their willingness to sellout on key issues in exchange for personal political benefit. It’s one of the reasons I…
To some people, the idea of Christians owning guns seems like a contradiction. However, a new national survey of Christian conservatives shows that millions of them not only own guns, but pray for peace and the nation’s political leaders each…
What a difference a few days can make. The Donald Trump campaign can be almost Reaganesque one day, and a couple of days later can be the reincarnation of the John Kerry 2004 campaign–being for something before being against it.…