If you’re a regular reader or listener of the Strident Conservative, you know that we pull no punches when it comes to the culture war launched by liberal elites against the traditional values held by Judeo-Christian Americans; values that John…
Google or Bing “LGBT” and “Strident Conservative” and you’ll see pages of news and opinion on how the political agenda of homosexual, bisexual and transgender groups have systematically destroyed American culture. But more than that, you’ll see how the movement…
In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s win in Indiana, and the subsequent suspension of the Ted Cruz campaign, it’s now time to sort through the rubble of the Republican party. And while it would be easy for me to point…
You probably heard about the vote by students at Stanford University a couple of weeks ago, but similar event occurs nearly every day on some college campus near you. Political correctness is alive and flourishing on the majority of campuses, and…
From his earliest days a president–when he toured the world embracing Islam while apologizing for America–Barack Hussein Obama made his disdain for the nation of Israel clear for the world to see; his presidency filled to the brim with policies…
A few days ago, Donald Trump took nearly every delegate in the New York primary. No surprise really, considering that the Empire state is the bluest of blue states, and Donald Trump–despite his claims to the contrary–is a liberal. Obviously…
America’s seniors are perhaps some of the most vulnerable to suffer under Obama’s nanny state socialist policies. From denying them healthcare to denying them their constitutional rights, nothing is off-limits. It was last July that I wrote a piece about…