Category: Conservatives

RINO Republicans will confirm Eric Holder 2.0

Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, it looks like Eric Holder 2.0 (i.e. Loretta Lynch) will be the next Attorney General of the United States thanks to Republican Mark Kirk of Illinois—one of the Senate’s most reliable RINOs. I guess the Senate isn’t as…

Obama confirms his hatred of Israel

Barack Hussein Obama’s despicable behavior has now officially reached a new low as we learned today that his administration declassified a top-secret document that reveals Israel’s nuclear weapons program. According to Israel National News, the document—written in 1987—was released in early February.…

Free-speech hypocrisy on college campuses

The past week was a rough one for free speech in America. Two students at the University of Oklahoma have been expelled by the university’s president for their role in producing a video that contained “racist chants.” They were immediately…