Category: Conservatives

Mitch McConnell: Debt Man Walking

All you need to know about Mitch McConnell and his lack of commitment to even the most basic of Conservative principles can be seen in this excellent video released by the Madison Project: “As minority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell should…

Paul Ryan Enshrined In The G.O.P. Hall Of Shame

The American Conservative Union gives Paul Ryan a lifetime score of 91%. Not too shabby, until you look a little closer at his performance on several key votes. Consider the following provided by Matt Lewis with The Daily Caller. Rep. Ryan voted FOR: The Troubled Asset…

McConnell playbook: When victory is certain, surrender!

Current polling numbers show that Obama is looking a little more like the anti-christ than the messiah these days. In a new Quinnipiac University poll, the President’s approval rating is at its lowest point in Quinnipiac polling history–nationally or in any state–at 34%. This…