Several key moves by the “leadership” of the Republican Party over the past few weeks have made one thing abundantly clear; even to the casual observer, they just don’t care anymore about the issues important to the Conservative base of the…
Category: Conservatives
The “h” in homosexual stands for hero or something
In a series of interviews meant to draw attention to how he chooses to use his penis in sexual situations, University of Missouri All-American Michael Sam declared to the world that he is homosexual. Well, in the words of the Church lady:…
Christie’s Bridgegate just as bad as Obama scandals
It’s been a week now since Chris Christie was forced to face the scandal that has come to be known as “Bridgegate.” And as the dust from this political payback has settled, heads have rolled and top people within his administration have…
Paul Ryan Enshrined In The G.O.P. Hall Of Shame
The American Conservative Union gives Paul Ryan a lifetime score of 91%. Not too shabby, until you look a little closer at his performance on several key votes. Consider the following provided by Matt Lewis with The Daily Caller. Rep. Ryan voted FOR: The Troubled Asset…
McConnell playbook: When victory is certain, surrender!
Current polling numbers show that Obama is looking a little more like the anti-christ than the messiah these days. In a new Quinnipiac University poll, the President’s approval rating is at its lowest point in Quinnipiac polling history–nationally or in any state–at 34%. This…
Orrin Hatch Enshrined In The G.O.P. Hall Of Shame
Ever since the T.E.A. Party helped Republicans take back the House of Representatives in 2010—along with gaining a few seats in the Senate—Republican “leaders” in both houses of Congress, in classic “cutting off the nose to spite the face” behavior, have targeted them for elimination. These RINO…
Green energy Republicans: Hitting the right notes, but singing the wrong song
Jobs. Enlarging the tax base. Market access. Energy choice. Fair compensation. Options. Make money. These words and phrases represent ideas or concepts that are attractive to Republicans, conservatives, limited-government and free-market supporters, and even fiscally minded Democrats—which is exactly why…