This is Trump’s “Elijah on Mount Carmel” moment. Is he with the Swamp or is he with his campaign promises? I explain all the gory details of this omnibus/amnesty bill and why it’s worse than you think. There is no…
One of the main campaign promises responsible for the GOP’s rise to the pinnacle of political power over the past decade or so was the promise to destroy Obamacare “root and branch.” It’s the reason voters gave Republicans the House…
Yesterday, the Treasury Department reported that the national debt reached a new milestone, topping $22 trillion. The national debt has been rising at a faster pace ever since Trump and the GOP passed their failed tax-cut plan while increasing spending…
As 2018 was winding to a close following the blood bath that the conservative movement suffered at the hands of Trump and the GOP in the midterm elections, I wrote an article expressing my determination to press on toward conservatism,…
As I wrote yesterday, Trump’s State of the Union Tuesday night was basically a recycled version of the speech he gave in 2018 and amounted to little more that a steaming pile of the same ol’ same ol’. Same ol’ claims…
A long time ago in a Congress far, far away, the House Freedom Caucus was formed to be a type of Rebel Alliance dedicated to fighting the empire known as the GOP establishment. After ruling for years through fear, intimidation,…
My meetings with border law enforcement continue today with Yuma County Sheriff Leon Wilmot. He gives us a riveting briefing on the state of affairs in his county. The sheriff explains how our border agents have been turned into a…