The first step to solving a problem is being brutally honest. We can’t become like “Baghdad Bob liberals” and ignore the problems within our comatose movement and pathetic congressional leadership. Nor can we ignore the problems with Trump himself,…
When considering national averages related to social indicators it is easy to lose sight of just how deeply divided the nation is on some beliefs and behaviors. A new nationwide survey among adults 18 and older by the American Culture…
The entire media and, by extension, the servile conservative media, is focused on Russia 24/7. But the real problem is that the courts in this country are turning our republic into the Soviet Union. We have several hundred Putins…
A couple of days ago I wrote a piece about how the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) had become a place where conservatism had been replaced by compromise. And I concluded that conservatism was in danger of being destroyed unless…
Donald Trump’s unlikely rise to the presidency began with one simple promise to fix America’s out-of-control illegal immigration problem. Beginning with a promise to build a “big, beautiful, powerful wall” on our southern border–and have Mexico pay for it–Trump’s illegal…
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has been in the news over the past few days for the decision to invite Senior Editor for Breitbart news, Milo Yianopoulus, to speak at its upcoming event. Even though he has since been…
This is not “Celebrity Apprentice,” a business roundtable, or a think tank thumb-sucking seminar. This is the future of our civilization at stake. We need leadership in the White House, in Congress, and in the conservative movement (which…