During the past two years and counting, our government overlords have issued an endless number of COVID mandates with a promise that the cost of a temporary loss of liberty would be small and the benefits many, but a new…
Earlier this week, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki praised Spotify for adding an anti-free speech disclaimer to podcasts discussing COVID following the controversy surrounding Joe Rogan. For good measure, Psaki also encouraged other platforms to do the same in…
The more COVID mandates and the “vaccine” are exposed as not only worthless in stopping the virus but also being dangerous and deadly, the more people are beginning to wonder if the global population control agenda has anything to do…
A Trumpist member of the Arizona House of Representatives has introduced a bill that among other things, allows the state legislature to essentially eliminate the Electoral College by rejecting the vote of the people and sending a slate of handpicked…
In Washington’s never-ending quest to create a 1984-inspired surveillance state capable of tracking and controlling every aspect of our lives, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced it will require taxpayers to use facial recognition technology in order to access…
Following the recent Supreme Court ruling against the agency, the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) said yesterday it will withdraw Biden’s private sector COVID vaccine mandates, but the agency is only pretending to do so. Introduced only a…
Even as Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates are being thrown out by the courts, several departments within the government have been using them to collect the personal information of Christians who object to the taking the shot for religious reasons and…