When it comes to killing liberty and advancing tyranny, the tragic events of 9/11 gave government the excuse it needed to launch a countless number of Orwellian programs, including programs to spy on Americans in the name of “safety and…
When coronavirus hysteria began sweeping the nation back in March, I wrote an article expressing the concerns of many conservatives that a government long desirous of turning America into a tyrannical, socialist state could use the so-called pandemic to permanently…
It’s been a grueling year, and these past few days have simply ramped things up. But through it all, I’m reminded that politics isn’t everything . . . and that’s a privilege. Still, I wonder if “it” is ever going…
I’m sitting here, scratching my head and thinking: what message does every American need to hear after the election? I think that can be answered with four words: Be thankful for liberty. I’ve given you many of the messages I…
Before we turn the keys to the country over to Trump or Hillary January 20, 2017, America still has to complete her journey with the current destroyer of the Constitution, Barack Hussein Obama. And it could be a bumpy, if not catastrophic, commute from election day to inauguration day.
Regular readers and listeners know that I and many others have been warning for some time about how coronavirus has been the perfect “never let a crisis go to waste” opportunity to launch a 9/11-styled war on liberty. This is…
For the second presidential election in a row, the two individuals representing the Democrat and Republican parties are equally reprehensible, leaving voters with little incentive to mail in their ballots or to show up at the polls next week to…