In a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton the president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Roberts, essentially stated that it’s impossible to be a woman and be pro-life. An ironic position to take when you consider that abortion makes it impossible for…
Have you heard about Operation Choke Point? It’s the unconstitutional initiative launched by Eric Holder’s Department of Justice, and it was meant to force banks and other financial institutions into working with the DOJ in tracking down companies suspected of…
The effort to void the Second Amendment by the anti-gun zealots of the liberal left never seems to run out of steam. In fact, it continues to gain momentum. A Connecticut Superior Court judge ruled yesterday that a lawsuit against…
In a speech last week at Brooklyn Law School, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor said that the nation’s highest court needs more strict constitutionalists in order to protect the Republic. Wait a minute. *checking my notes* I’m sorry. That’s…
On the subject of abortion, Donald Trump recently confirmed that his views on the controversial subject are strikingly similar to those of Hillary Clinton. Just like Hillary, he considers the issue “settled law” and that it should be left alone……
Donald Trump created quite a ruckus last week with the abortion issue after he commented during a town hall interview on MSNBC that women should be criminally punished for having an abortion. And things got worse for the man who…
When he was the minority leader of the Senate–a position he’s likely to return to in November–Mitch McConnell attempted to explain his inability to get anything done with these words: “Today, Democrats not only have the White House, they have…