Category: Constitution

You Will Be Made To Care

“Security under our constitution is given to the rights of conscience and private judgment. They are by nature subject to no control but that of Deity [the Lord], and in that free situation they are now left.” – John Jay,…

The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution

  “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams If you’ve been paying attention to the primaries, you no doubt have heard how many…

Singularity: Another collectivist myth

A fashionable concept in today’s computer – IT world is the idea of “singularity” first pioneered by Ray Kurzweil throughout the 1990s and specifically in his 2005 book, The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. The thesis of Kurzweil,…

Ending the income tax and the IRS

Imagine for a moment America without an income tax. No more tedious record keeping of all our expenses. No more April 15th deadlines. No more insufferable complexity and exasperating forms. It would no longer be government’s business how much money…