Imagine for a moment America without an income tax. No more tedious record keeping of all our expenses. No more April 15th deadlines. No more insufferable complexity and exasperating forms. It would no longer be government’s business how much money…
Following his unconstitutional executive orders last week restricting our gun rights, Obama hit the campaign trail again—as if he ever left—to hold a series of town hall meetings to drum up support of his actions while ridiculing and belittling the…
If you’re wondering what these four things have in common, bear with me. Obamacare has been bad news from the first day it became law, but it’s about to get much worse following Obama’s executive order on guns. Under Obama’s…
Proposed 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Section 1 – Congress shall make no tax laws with rates that do not apply equally to all required payers. Section 2 – Congress shall make no laws conveying tax exemptions, deductions, or…
In an article I wrote last week, I shared with you a list of states from across America that passed laws restricting our constitutional gun rights; many of them taking effect on January 1, 2016. I also shared how Obama…
A few days ago I wrote about a meeting between Obama and Michael Bloomberg—where they worked on creating new ways to deny us our Second Amendment right to own a gun—and Valerie Jarrett’s promise that Obama would be issuing a…
Surging Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz is laying out what would be the most aggressive first day in office ever for a new president, starting with the elimination of “every single illegal and unconstitutional” executive action taken by President…