I recently wrote an article “Birther’s beware! Ted Cruz is eligible to be president!” which you may have read and passed on to others. If anyone has disputed the article to you, linked below is an updated and much better…
Do you remember how, following last year’s elections, the new Republican majority led by Mitch McConnell and John Boehner was going to use the budget to stop Obama’s executive amnesty plan? Do you also remember how they caved, fully funding…
By now, you’ve probably heard about the shooting rampage that occurred over the Thanksgiving weekend in Colorado Springs, CO at a local Planned Parenthood location. And as the nation mourns another senseless crime, the facts are still being discovered as…
One of the objections to making Paul Ryan the replacement for the retiring John Boehner as Speaker was the fact that he was too close to the former leader philosophically and politically. It was believed that he would be nothing…
Patriots of America endorse Donald Trump for President. He transcends all other candidates. But if he wins the GOP nomination, an important question will be his running mate. What if Trump picks Ted Cruz for second spot on the…
The Afrikan Black Coalition—a group created in 2003 to connect activists across the University of California system—posted an op-ed “A New Constitution or the Bullet” calling for extreme violence against “white America” if the U.S. Constitution isn’t replaced with a…
Do you remember the top-secret “pass it to see what’s in it” handling of the Trans Pacific Partnership and the Trade Promotion Authority (a.k.a. Fast Track) legislation? Do you remember how Obama ridiculed Conservatives who objected to the secret nature…