Category: David Leach

Another Evolving Moment For Obama

When Barry revealed his political chameleonism after he announced that he was in favor of homosexual marriage, after he was against it, after he was for it, he attempted to explain his color changes as an “evolving” moment. “I have been to this point…

America, Love Thy Nanny

It’s been said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. When it comes to the nanny state mentality of liberals and progressives – was that a redundant statement? – we could paraphrase it like this: the road…

Female Gendercide – The REAL War On Women

We’ve already heard about the fake war on women, but have you heard about the war on pre-born women? Live Action went undercover at a number of abortion clinics across the nation to expose how the abortion industry assists and even encourages…