As a born-again Christian trying to work out my faith with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), I’m always looking out for the little nuggets of spiritual truth vital to maturing in Christ (Heb. 6:1-2). I’m often amazed at how some…
As a fan of classic television, I have always enjoyed the Twilight Zone, a show created by Rod Serling that aired from 1959-1964 and famously featured characters who found themselves dealing with strange and inexplicable situations that left them feeling…
From the beginning of his Presidency, Donald Trump had every intention of allowing his office to be used as a platform to advance the socialist feminist agenda of a woman he once said he would be hitting on if she…
When talk show host and fellow conservative Shannon Joy refers to Democrats and Republicans as “unibrow,” she’s describing how there is little to no difference between the two parties. Pushing aside those things that are best for the American people,…
Donald Trump once claimed that America would win so much under his presidency that we would grow tired of it and beg him to stop because we wouldn’t be able to take it anymore. When Trump made this nonsensical…
When the Senate passed the #MOGA (Make Obama Great Again) budget, it laid the groundwork for funding many of the pet projects of Obama and the left, including: Planned Parenthood, DACA, and Obamacare subsidies. If it becomes law, this budget…
After John Kelly and Javanka successfully removed Steve Bannon from his cushy White House job, the former senior advisor to Donald Trump returned to his position as Chief Propagandist for The Publication Formerly Known as Breitbart News where he declared…