Only yesterday, I shared how Conservatives no longer have a home within the GOP. I reached this conclusion after witnessing the House Freedom Caucus’ cave to threats from Donald Trump and the GOP establishment by endorsing the fake repeal of…
The GOP establishment continues to prove that it is filled with a bunch of sniveling, spineless cowards pretending to be conservatives. While they are quick to unfurl the banner of conservatism every two years during election season, they just as…
The only thing worse than Republicans selling us out, bastardizing our values, breaking promises and lying about it, and downright making our views unpopular with the public, is for us to become content with and even excuse this…
You know, it wasn’t all that long ago that Americans considered big government to be the greatest threat facing the country. According to a December, 2016 Gallup poll, 67% of voters opposed big government; including an amazing 85% of Republicans.…
Today is the first day of the year where you get to keep the money you make from your job. That’s because yesterday was 2017’s Tax Freedom Day. Until yesterday, every cent earned by the average American went towards paying…
In the movie The Matrix, there’s a scene where Morpheus reveals to Neo that the Matrix is a world created to prevent humans from discovering that they are slaves to an unknown world. Faced with the difficult choice of escaping…
Following the special election in the 4th Congressional District of Kansas last week to fill the seat vacated when Mike Pompeo joined the Trump Administration, I wrote a piece about how the narrow victory by Ron Estes to retain the…